The Thurrock School of Karate
At all our schools, we have children and youth members with different talents and strengths from infants to Junior school to Secondary or Academy school students learning values and disciplines and applying them in their daily life.
A self-defense class should give you a chance to practice your moves. When you choose to train with us you will find new friends to practice your new found skill set, to keep the moves fresh in your mind long after the class is over.
By coaching and instructing individuals on a weekly basis we have gained valuable experience in finding new strategies in molding youths into taking on board new ideas. They learn to handle the disciplines of mental and physical exercises that help develop performance.
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By coaching and instructing individuals on a weekly basis we have gained valuable experience in finding new strategies in molding youths into taking on board new ideas. They learn to handle the disciplines of mental and physical exercises that help develop performance.
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